Dear Friends,
This is written on the behalf of Maine Coalition To Fight Prostate Cancer.
We need funding for operating costs.
We who work the front lines advocating for men with prostate cancer, see the benefit of our time and support first-hand.
If you give to United Way, please consider giving to MCFPC by requesting your gift be designated to our nonprofit. If you are a person who can get employer match, it will be doubly helpful.
MCFPC is funded entirely by volunteer members. This gives you a chance to become a volunteer member, by giving, perhaps without the pain.
United way is a fundraising organization which raises money for nonprofits of all kinds.
Knowledge we are expressing in this letter gives the giver the opportunity to say where the money is spent. Very little of your gift comes off the top to support United Way.
Here is how to do it with extra benefit…
“Anyone who works for a company that participates in the United Way Campaign can delegate their donation to a local nonprofit by writing the organization in the free text box”
And remember… All of our services are given free of charge.
Thank you for considering us,
Nelson leavitt, for Maine Coalition To Fight Prostate Cancer
Questions? Call (855) 552-7200 Ext 801